As new technologies and platforms emerge, social media advertising becomes an increasingly important part of the marketing mix.

Some companies are having a lot of success with social media while others are having a hard time finding ways to engage their audience, attract new customers, and turn individuals into brand loyalists. They are not effectively using social media advertising.

The following are includes things to avoid doing with your social media advertising.

1. Targeting Gone Wrong

The platforms’ ability to target specific groups is one of the reasons social media advertising is so powerful. You should conduct an audience analysis deep dive to create effective ads that target the right audiences.

You will need to spend some time getting to know your target audience. What are they into? What do they care about? What are their concerns and problems? How old are they? Where do they live?

If you want your social media marketing to be effective, you need to do your research on your audience. This way you can target your content to them specifically.

If a business doesn’t focus on a specific target audience, they will likely not be successful in appealing to anyone. Even though your audience may be composed of people ranging in age from 20 to 60, they may have different concerns or needs.

By targeting smaller groups with more specific messages, you will see an increase in conversions and engagement.

It’s important to make sure your audience is not too small. If you’re only targeting a small audience, it will be difficult to get useful feedback. A/B testing your ad sets against one another will easy help you fix this by spreading out your advertising dollars.

2. Spreading Your Efforts Thin

Although you might think that using multiple social media platforms for advertising would be beneficial, it can actually make your efforts less effective.

If you haven’t thoroughly analyzed your audience, you may not know which social platforms are most effective for finding and engaging your target audience.

If you focus on too many things at once, you’ll spread your efforts too thin and won’t make much progress on any of them. This is time consuming and expensive, and it also prevents you from being able to focus your efforts on the right platforms for your brand.

There are many social media advertising options, but focusing on one or a few platforms will usually give you more value for your money.

The majority of social media managers believe that Facebook provides the best ROI, followed by Twitter and Instagram. A small minority of managers believe that Snapchat provides the best ROI.

It’s tough to figure out a social media advertising strategy that would be effective for your business when there are so many options to choose from. Even though Facebook has the most people viewing it, it might not be the best place to post your message.

If your target audience is American teens, you may have better luck reaching them on Instagram. If your brand is mainly visual, you may want to consider using Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.

If you offer professional services or products, LinkedIn and Twitter are likely to be the most successful platforms.

Who do you want to reach with your message? Once you know that, you can look into which platforms will be most effective in delivering your message to them.

3. Your Ads are Stale

When advertising, repetition can be helpful, but if you’re trying to engage your audience, fresh content is better.

If a campaign is too repetitive, it will bore and annoy social media users. If you want more likes, comments, and shares on your social media platforms, you need to keep things fresh.

Some companies change their ads every 3-5 days to keep things fresh, while others find that changing them out every season or quarter works best.

Switching up your ads can be a delicate balance. You will need to experiment to figure out what works best for your product or service. Watch statistics such as engagement and conversion rates carefully to see which ads are effective.

If you’re not getting the results you want from your ads, it may be time to try something new.

4. Clickbait Advertising

You have probably been tricked by clickbait headlines in the past. You are more likely to click on a headline that is attention grabbing, with a powerful image, and be prompted to fill out your information.

What’s your first thought? To fill out the form? Or do you quickly abandon the page? Poorly executed clickbait campaigns will cause your audience to leave.

Clickbait is a waste of time and won’t help you get quality customers. If your website only has curiosity clicks, it is not doing well. You need more than that.

This will result in a high number of clicks to your website, but users will not spend much time on the site and will often leave immediately.

Not too long ago, clickbait was a common occurrence on social media platforms. As a result, Facebook now penalizes it. Facebook uses the amount of time people spend reading an article away from Facebook as a metric for whether or not it is clickbait.

If people are clicking on and reading an article, this suggests that the content within it is valuable to them. This suggests that if a user clicks on a link and immediately returns to the original page, it is because they were not able to find what they were looking for.

You can make your ads more relevant by creating a headline that is powerful and compliments your high quality content. Take this One Smart Penny Facebook ad for example:

One Smart Penny is going to use the hit TV show “Shark Tank” to get their audience’s attention.

The headline works because it is followed by helpful tips and tricks to pay off a mortgage. Delivering on what the ad promises is essential in this case.

5. Forgetting the Call to Action

When creating a social media advertising campaign, you should make sure that it is clear what you want the user to do. Make sure to put a call-to-action button on your tweets, Facebook posts, and Instagram pictures. This will tell your audience what you want them to do, and make it more likely that they’ll do it.

If you want someone to sign up for your free newsletter, have a “sign up” button ready. Are they buying something? Include a “shop now” button.

Do you want them to seek more information? Use the “learn more” button. Your message will be better received if you are clear about what you want your audience to do next.

The Wendy’s Facebook ad has a poor headline and no call-to-action. The add should encourage fans of Wendy’s to leave a comment or visit their closest restaurant today.

6. Landing Page Problems

The landing page is more important than the social ad.

Many companies make the mistake of having a single landing page that they use to generate leads. This can be a very ineffective use of resources. Some companies send their traffic to the homepage, which can be worse.

This is a mistake. You should design your landing page so that its message is relevant to the advertisement. Additionally, you will want to create a similar aesthetic to provide customers with a consistent experience.

You can use ads to lead people to a landing page where they can take action, such as signing up for a newsletter. You don’t want your users to have to search around for the form on your homepage. Make signing up simple and easy for them.

To get people to read reviews about your product, make sure the landing page is focused on reviews. Want them to shop for a new product? The new product should be advertised on a landing page that outlines its benefits.

This is good practice for social advertising because you can target ads to people based on what they are interested in. This means you can market to them again later on in the process.

7. Posting Too Much, Too Often

If you are constantly active on social media, people may perceive you as someone who is always seeking attention. Your followers could get annoyed with the amount of content you’re publishing and hit the “unfollow” button.

It is crucial to comprehend that those who follow you on social media may view anything you post. If you post once a day, your audience will have time to read and enjoy your content.

Don’t overdo it by posting too much in one day or your followers will get overwhelmed and tune you out. Your followers are interested in more than just your brand.

It is important to be aware of when the best time is to post on social media platforms. This would depend on your location and your specific audience, so you should research this thoroughly.

Look at your social media analytics to see when your business page had the most views and engagement.

You should plan your social media calendar in advance, and decide when you are going to post new content.

You should try to post weekly, so your followers have something to look forward to. If you maintain a consistent posting schedule, your followers will know when to expect new content from you.

8. Too Much Promotion and Sales Talk

Sales talk has flooded our everyday interactions.

We use sales talk practically every day in all aspects of our life: whether you’re convincing a child to eat his veggies in exchange for ice cream or you tell your dog to roll over for a treat – it all comes down to selling an idea, right?

We warned you that posting too often can be risky, and now we’re letting you know that repeatedly pitching your followers can be dangerous.

It is important to give your audience time to think about your offer and whether it is right for them. Trying to get your followers to buy something before they’re ready will not make them want to buy from you again in the future.

If you are posting product images, you should explain what problems the products solve and how your target audience will benefit from using them.

This will let your potential customers know that you have products that can help them, and that you are the business that they should buy from. Add a call to action at the end.

Make a video, demo your product, or post a customer testimonial to convince your target customers to buy your product or service, without coming across as desperate.

An online video editor can be used to add captions or subtitles to a video along with a call to action. This can be helpful in order to make the video more accessible to a wider audience, or to ensure that viewers understand the call to action.

9. Improper Use of Hashtags

Hashtags can help you create a successful social media strategy. Social media platforms give you the opportunity to reach out to a specific group of people who follow a relevant to your campaign subject.

You can use as many hashtags as you want if you’re posting from your personal account. The more information you can include in your post, the better.

But that’s not the case with business profiles. Use a limited number of hashtags, and make sure each one is counted. You should select hashtags that are relevant to your business or industry. This will help potential customers find your company more easily on social media.

Don’t use hashtags that are popular just to reach a wider audience if they are not related to what you are publishing.

hashtags should not be used for natural or social tragedies unless you are trying to express your concern or feelings of sadness for those who were affected. Using such hashtags on promotional posts is simply unforgivable.

10. Not Responding to Comments and Direct Messages

If you want people to follow you on social media, you need to be responsive to comments and direct messages.

How would you feel if someone complimented you on something you’ve worked hard on and you just ignored them? Won’t you feel offended? The people who follow you need to feel like you have heard and appreciated them.

When you receive a comment on your business/brand’s page, you should always reply. If someone is asking a question, you should answer it. This also applies to comments made by your followers, whether they are positive or negative.

If someone is mentioning your brand or business online, reach out to them. Show them that you’re paying attention and that you care about their experience with your company. Do not react to your own post or comment.

No matter how good your product or service is, there will always be some negative feedback.

If your product or service has been publicly criticized, don’t get upset. Be ready to calmly respond to the criticism. What can I help you with? Can I help you with anything?

If you ignore negative comments, people will begin to mistrust you.

If you speak to your audience, they will see that you are taking initiative, that you are paying attention to them, and that you care about their pleasant experience with your brand.

Some social media platforms offer you the opportunity to create an automated response to messages. Do not rely on this option completely, although it is rather convenient and helpful.

If you respond to your followers’ messages with an automated response, they will know and will expect a real response from you soon afterwards.

Make sure that your audience is dealing with a real person when they have questions or concerns. This will make the interaction more personal and relatable.


Social media is a great platform to showcase your products and services to a large audience. With social media, you can reach out to potential customers all over the world. If you want your content to be successful, you need to post high-quality videos.

Remember to always back up the claims you make. When you mention characteristics or features of a product or service on social media, be sure that they are accurate.

Even if your videos are great, your audience will lose interest if they’re not happy with their first purchase.

If you consider your audience first, personalize your content, Develop relationships with your audience, and avoid making common mistakes, you will have loyal followers, customers, and a good return on investment.

About the Author Brian Richards

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