Your product is ready to be shared with others. You are aware that by assisting your audience, you are enabling them to achieve their goals and helping them to surmount any difficulties they may encounter.

As a solopreneur or small business owner, your time is valuable and rare. To build trust with your customers, you need to use proven sales tactics. You can’t contact every lead with a sales message or make cold calls because you don’t have time.

You can use psychology-based sales techniques without being a pro salesperson or hiring a sales team. You can use them in many different areas, including email marketing, social media, and sales copywriting. Copy is like an online salesperson.

This article provides sales strategies that will help you sell more digital products. If you’re thinking that “sales psychology” is associated with scam artist salespeople or underhandedness, don’t worry. Our first tip is all about avoiding that trap.

1. Be human

The stereotype of a used car salesman is someone who is pushy and only interested in making a sale. (It definitely used to for me.)

If you feel that way, you’re not alone. Salespeople who consider themselves pushy make up only 17% of the sales force, yet 50% of prospective customers say that salespeople are pushy.

Be yourself. Be human.

Authenticity also makes you more relatable. It is only natural for people to feel more trusting towards those who are similar to them, rather than those who are different. It is also the right thing to do to be honest with your audience.

To connect with your customers, create an About page on your website or add an About section to your sales pages that tells customers who you are, what you do, and why you do it. If your About page is well written, it will make customers feel more trusting and loyal towards you, and create a better overall experience for them.

Make a video to introduce yourself to potential employers.

A majority of consumers find videos engaging, so you should consider making a video to introduce yourself, your business, and your product. If you want viewers to stick around until the end, keep your videos short. Sixty percent of viewers will watch a video until the end if it’s 60 seconds or less.

Being genuine and relatable is a good sales strategy, and it’s even more effective when you offer your customers something they want.

2. Make a trade

A well-known psychological rule is that people are more likely to do something nice for you if you have done something nice for them first. treat people the way you want to be treated

In sales and marketing, one of the best examples of reciprocity principles is lead magnets. A lead magnet is a resource that customers receive in exchange for their contact information.

The sales funnel begins when a new lead opts in and you start to build a rapport with them. You can turn them into a customer later on.

In order for the principle of reciprocity to work here, you need to offer lead magnets that your audience believes are worth handing over their email address for:

  • A third of consumers would be willing to reveal their email address to a brand in exchange for receiving exclusive content from them.
  • Two-thirds of customers are willing to share their personal information, such as their email address or home address, with companies if they feel that they will get something in return, such as a discount or early access to new products.
  • People will exchange their contact information for resources that are informative and helpful, like whitepapers and ebooks.

When you offer potential customers content, the signups are valuable. For every $1 spent on email marketing, the R.O.I. is $42.

This guide will help you determine what kind of lead magnet your customers would love. Use Podia’s free Digital Download Generator to make your life even easier.

Besides growing your email list, giving away a free digital download may make people more interested in buying your products. A study found that people are more likely to be attracted to free bonus items than to discounts.

3. Tap into FOMO10 Ways To Sell More Online With Behavioral Psychology

What keeps people coming back for more during Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales? Sure, the prices are low. There is a reason people are more likely to buy something when it is scarce or urgent.

“FOMO.” These sales holidays exploit our fears of missing out, commonly referred to as FOMO. FOMO. And FOMO is a powerful tool:

  • 60% of people make purchases because of FOMO.
  • An exclusive offer would make me much more likely to shop with a brand, according to 89% of Americans.
  • Forty-eight percent of people said that an exclusive offer would make them purchase sooner.

The study found that shoppers chose the scarce item because they believed it was more popular.

The reason flash sales are an effective discount strategy for digital downloads and other products is because they are quick and easy.

Try these tactics to leverage your audience’s FOMO:

  • Adding a countdown timer to your product page for a limited time offer can help create a sense of urgency and encourage customers to buy before the deal expires. One example shows that it can almost triple your conversion rate.
  • Use urgency in your email subject lines . Urgent subject lines have a 22% higher open rate.
  • If you want to keep your prices the same, don’t offer a lot of discounts or products.

The Workshops Collective uses that last technique on the landing page for The Space Camp workshop :

By letting people know that there are only four spots remaining, and explaining the value of such a small group, workshop leader Erin makes that “Join the Adventure” call-to-action even more appealing.

pressure and lack work because FOMO is an emotional thing. Our next sales strategy will be based on exploiting emotions.

4. Tell a story

It can be tempting to include every single product detail in your description when you have a product that you are very proud of. Shoppers are more likely to complete a transaction if they can find detailed information about the product they are interested in.

Copy that appeals to your audience’s emotions is more compelling than a straightforward list of features.

Antonio Damasio, a neuroscientist, found that emotions play a big role in the decisions humans make, including what they buy.

The majority of customers want to feel an emotional connection with the brands they support- this makes them feel cared for by the company.

Customers who have a strong connection to a brand are 306% more likely to continue using the brand and are more loyal.

Natalie understands what her audience wants, which are more money, joy, and freedom. She uses language that is kind and validating. It seems like she understands what her customers are experiencing, which makes her solution more reliable.

One of the best ways to figure out what your customers are feeling is to tell them a story, making them the main character. If you make your customer the main character in your brand story, it will help them imagine using and benefitting from your product.

Instead of using technical language, she uses emotional language and talks to the reader in the second person to paint a picture of what they can accomplish by completing the course. if Becky’s story speaks to the reader, they know her product is right for them.

Bottom line

The best salespeople use storytelling as a powerful tool to help customers make buying decisions, no matter what product they sell. To make those decisions even easier, read on.

5. Use vivid colors 

If you want to stand out, use a yellow or red button. These colors are brighter than any other darker color. individuals will be immediately attracted to the cheerful color on your website and comprehend in three seconds or less what they should do.

In the example above the red button has several advantages compared to the black one:

  • Red creates a more aggressive color contrast to the background of the page and therefore stands out more
  • Red increases the heart rate and therefore it is more likely to trigger the need to take action
  • Red is the ‘on sale’ color and therefore it is associated with getting a good deal

While black is typically associated with luxury and high prices, it does not necessarily increase the amount of clicks.

A vivid color for the call to action button will generate the most clicks. Testing different color shades is of course a must.

6. Make it feel like a deal

The conversion rate of landing pages is dramatically affected by the way the price is presented. This has been proven by behavioral psychology.

A good way to make your product seem like a good deal is to offer different solutions that are not actually meant to be sold.

Despite the third offer being less appealing, the combination of “video trainings + strategy newsletter” is now seen as more valuable than before.

7. Upsell before the checkout

10 Ways To Sell More Online With Behavioral Psychology

People have decided to purchase from your website, so you should take advantage of this. You were able to successfully connect your product/service with the customer.

Psychologically, people tend to be more likely to agree to something new if they have already agreed to something else. It will be easier to sell more products to the same customer than to find new customers.

The best time to upsell is at the end of the checkout process, when the customer is already interested in the product and is more likely to buy additional items.

Effective up-selling strategies are:

  • “Customers who ordered this item also bought:”
  • “Add product xyz and get free shipping”
  • “Add product xyz to get a one time discount of X%”

GoDaddy is the perfect example regarding upselling. For example, when you look up the availability of a domain, you will be offered to buy a domain with a different ending to secure the name you just found.

8. Create a sense of urgency

Timely promotions are more likely to prompt people to take action. Creating a sense of urgency expedites the decision-making process even if they are unsure whether the promotion will actually expire.

There are several ways to create a sense of urgency:

  • Limited availability
  • Having a countdown on the website saying when the promotion is going to end
  • Upcoming price increase
  • Helping readers understand the importance of receiving a piece of information sooner rather than later

There are many ways to create urgency, and testing different methods can help you find the most profitable option. You can test how effective your marketing material is by comparing online and offline versions.

9. Take advantage of the power of the word ‘FREE’

A behavioral psychology experiment conducted by Dan Ariely of Duke University has gained some notoriety. There were two types of chocolate on display at the counter: Hershey kisses for 1 cent and Lindt chocolate truffles for 15 cents.

Customers were told that both chocolates were on discount and they could have either one or the other. Even when the price of Lindt chocolates was increased by 1 cent, 70% of people still bought them.

If one wants more people to use, read, or test something, they should give it away for free and offer something paid at the same time. This will create a greater sense of getting away with a freebie.

10. Give user the option to learn more about an upsell

If you are not a fan of aggressive up-selling, you can simply offer the option to learn more about an additional product or service during the checkout process.

For example, you might have a checkbox at the bottom of your checkout button that says “Yes, I want to learn more about how to save 30% on my next purchase.” If people check the box, they are more likely to agree to the offer page because of the psychological effect discussed earlier.


You cannot simply implement strategies once and never optimize them again if you want to master behavioral psychology and significantly boost online sales. One common mistake is to make a button red and then not do anything else with it.

Although it may seem small, details like the tint of red for a call-to-action button can actually have an impact, and should be tested to see what effect it has using behavioral psychology principles.

About the Author Brian Richards

See Brian's Amazon Author Central profile at

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