September 29, 2022

Meta descriptions are important for search optimization. If you want users to click through from search results pages, you need to make sure you’re doing it correctly. The Website Owner shall not be liable for damages resulting from the use of this website. The Website Owner will not be held responsible for any damages incurred from the use of this website.

Meta descriptions do not directly influence search rankings. The titles of websites can help potential visitors understand what the page is about, which can impact search referrals in a positive way.

This text provides tips on how to write effective meta descriptions for webpages. Good meta descriptions can help improve a website’s search engine ranking and also encourage users to click through to the site.

Meta Description

An HTML element that provides a summary of a webpage’s contents to search engines and searchers.

The meta description is the text that appears under the title of a page on a search engine results page. The URL, title, and meta description are all parts of what is called a search snippet.

Importance of Meta Descriptions Important For SEO

Meta descriptions are not used as ranking factors. How should social media be used today? Why are social media platforms important?

Meta descriptions are short summaries of webpages that appear in search engine results. They are important because they can help convince users to click on your result, which can lead to more traffic, potential conversions, and revenue.

Google believes that using the meta description tag to summarize the content of a webpage is the best practice. The purpose of SEO is to improve the visibility of a site in search engine results pages (SERPs).

The meta description is important to SEO as it encourages users to click on the webpage when it is highly ranked.

The general consensus among SEO professionals is that meta descriptions should be kept to around 160-165 characters maximum. However, some believe that the optimal length is slightly shorter, at 156-160 characters.

The justification for this is that it helps prevent the abbreviated versions of the meta description in the search results.

Although there is no limit to how long the meta description can be, Google suggests keeping it shorter than a paragraph. The meta description is used by Google to help understand the webpage better.

SEOs recommend keeping the length of the meta description within a set limit so that Google can show more of it on the search results page.

Google advises to be concise and to write a paragraph or more. The W3C HTML standards state that there is no limit to how much text can be used.

According to Google, the ideal length of a meta description is a short paragraph that accurately summarizes the webpage.

Ultimately, use your own judgment.

Characteristics of a good meta description

A well-written meta description will make people believe that your page has the best answer to their question. To produce the best results, you must know what people are looking for. What is their search intent? Are they looking for an answer to a question?

If someone asks you a question, see if you can answer it. Are they looking for a product? Write down what makes your product stand out and why they would best buy it in your store. Be concise and convincing! The Google preview section in the Yoast SEO sidebar or meta box gives you real-time feedback on the meta description length. To write a meta description, select “Google Preview” from the Yoast SEO sidebar.

This snippet editor allows you to customize the SEO title, slug, and meta description. When you begin typing in the meta description input field, your new text will immediately be displayed in the snippet preview at the top of the Google preview editor.

Underneath the input field, there is a bar. The color of the text box will change from orange to green when you have typed enough information. If you add too much text, the color will turn back to orange.

Based on the research we did on this topic, as well as our own experience, we came up with this list of elements you need to write a good meta description:

1. Keep it up to 155 characters

There is no universal “right” length for a text message – it depends on what you want to communicate. Make sure your message is clear and concise, while still taking up enough space to be easily seen and understood.

If you check Google’s search results, you will mostly see snippets of 120 to 156 characters.

We can’t control everything that Google displays in the search results. The search engine sometimes displays the meta description, and other times it just shows a few sentences from the copy.

The most effective way to communicate is to keep it brief. This will ensure that your meta description is not cut short if Google decides to display it.

2. Use active voice and make it actionable

essentially, you need to think about your audience and why they might want to visit your page when you are crafting your meta description. Your description should not be boring, confusing, or difficult to understand. Your page needs to be clear and concise so that people know what to expect.

Your goal should be to write a description that is similar to the one in the image. It’s active, motivating, and addressing you directly. If you follow the link, you will know exactly what you will get!

3. Include a call-to-action

” “Our new product is exactly what you need.” This text is emphasizing the importance of the active voice.

The meta description is your sales text. Instead of selling an actual product, you are trying to sell the page that is linked. Calls to action like “Learn more,” “Get it now,” and “Try for free” can be useful, and we use them as well.

4. Use your focus keyword

If the search keyword is included in the meta description, Google is more likely to use it and highlight it in the search results. Making your link more inviting will make people want to click on it more.

Google sometimes even highlights synonyms. The Academy Awards, also known as the Oscars, are a set of awards given annually for excellence of cinematic achievements. Both the Academy Awards and Oscars are awards given annually for excellence in cinematic achievements. When you highlight your results, it makes them more noticeable.

5. Show specifications, where possible

If your Shopify or WooCommerce store has a product that is appealing to people who are knowledgeable about technology, it may be a good idea to emphasize the technical specifications. The type of information that can be included in a product description varies, but it might include the manufacturer, SKU number, and price of the product.

If the visitor is searching for a specific product, it is likely that they will not need to be persuaded. As in the example below. The watch can help us stay fit? Sign us up, that’s all we needed to know. To improve your results in this way, you should work on getting rich snippets.

6. Make sure it matches the content of the page

Creating Awesome Meta Descriptions

This is an important one. If you attempt to use meta descriptions as a way to deceive Google users into clicking on your website, Google will be able to tell and will penalize you. They might even penalize you if you do it. If you have misleading descriptions on your website, it is likely that people will leave your site quickly.

Which will also lower people’s trust in your company. It’s a bad idea for that reason alone. The meta description should be reflective of the content on the page so that there is relevancy between the two.

7. Make it unique

If your meta description is different from other pages, the user experience in Google will not be hindered. Since all the descriptions are the same, all the pages will look the same regardless of the title.

Leaving the meta description blank is a better option than creating duplicate ones. Google will select a brief extract from the page that includes the keyword used in the search. Although it is not necessary to write a unique meta description for every page you want to rank, it is best to do so.

That’s why you could consider using emojis! Even though they don’t have a direct impact, things like click-through rate can help improve your SEO indirectly. How?

Emojis are more likely to be noticed on a search result page because they are colorful and fun to look at. Most of the information is displayed in text, which can be difficult to read. Yoast SEO premium allows you to add emojis to your meta description with an emoji picker tool.

Tips And Best Practices For Meta Descriptions

1. Research Your Competitors

No matter what business you’re in, looking at your competitor’s SERP results can give you some good ideas about what’s working for them, without having to resort to copying them. This can be a great way to come up with new and improved meta descriptions for your own site.

Researching successful meta descriptions that are shown in search results, as well as those rewritten by Google, may help you better understand the right way to do it.

To do SERP research effectively:

Step 1: Research The SERPs For Your Targeted Keyword

It’s easier said than done, I know. It can be time-consuming to manually go through every search result and identify what, exactly, your competition’s weaknesses are.

We looked at the competition to see what techniques they were using that were working.

Step 2: Research The SERPs For Your Competition And What They’re Doing

Here is where you research your competition to see what strategies they are using for their brands.

Next, you’ll want to track your goals by putting them into a spreadsheet. Doing this will help you to see your progress over time, and make any necessary adjustments to ensure that you are on track to reach your targets.

The SEO Quake Google Chrome extension can quickly and efficiently export Google SERPs to an Excel spreadsheet.

This will allow you to keep track of your competition on a monthly basis without incurring high costs.

2. Map Your Customer’s Journey

Creating Awesome Meta Descriptions

Identify your target audience’s optimal buying journey and what happens at each stage of the marketing funnel. The marketing funnel will vary depending on your target market, so sharing an exact funnel to follow wouldn’t be helpful.

In order to make your webpages more visible to potential viewers, you should customize your meta descriptions to fit your findings. However, it is more important to make sure that the descriptions accurately summarize the topics of the webpages.

3. Use Your Brand’s Unique Tone And Style

Every brand should have a unique tone of voice that is consistent with the brand’s identity. This is how the brand appears online to users. Each meta description should be created uniquely and specifically for how that tone of voice is amplified across the brand’s ecosystem.

You would not use the same tone of voice for a corporate law website as you would for a daycare website. Why would you use the same tone of voice throughout your writing?

Tone of voice is beneficial because it allows you to target different types of people by using specific keywords.

It is possible to combine keywords with persona research in order to target your audience and reach them with a level of sophistication and optimization.

4. Include Keywords Your Audience Actually Searches For

Google has said that they don’t use keywords in the meta description for the purpose of ranking. When researching on SERP, what do you see? Highlighted keywords in the meta description.

This is something that can cause your reader to click on the most relevant result that will satisfy their query. If your meta description is better than any of the other results that appear, you will get the click.

5. Take Advantage Of Trending Social Headlines

If you’re good at social media, you’re probably good at finding out what’s popular and what’s not with your audience.

You should already be following influencer accounts and industry firms as part of your strategy. To further improve your SEO, check which topics are trending in your industry and see what meta descriptions are used for the highest-ranking results.

To find trending topics that are relevant to your industry, try using Google Trends, BuzzSumo, and Twitter’s trending topics feature.

6. Target A Specific Search Intent

Meta descriptions that are too general and phrases like “best widgets” that are used to try and sell something can turn off potential customers. Users need to be confident that the results of their search will fulfill their needs.

You want to speak to what your readers are truly interested in, not trying to convince them into your own sales funnel.


If you’re looking to create a meta description that Google will love, here are a few suggestions: Keep your summary concise yet informative, using as much text as necessary. And avoid shoving in a bunch of keywords (keyword stuffing) just for the sake of it.

The meta description should be appealing to someone who might want to visit the site.

The best practice according to Google and the W3C is not to use the meta description for keywords and a call to action.

The best way to write a meta description is to summarize the topic of the webpage in a way that will make potential visitors confident that they will find the answers they are looking for with just one click.

About the Author Brian Richards

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