It has everything to do with understanding how people discover content. One of the secrets to content marketing success is understanding how people discover content. This can help you determine what kind of content to produce and how to promote it.

The phrase “reduce, reuse, recycle” applies to more than paper products and aluminum cans.

Generating new content can be time-consuming. By repurposing old content for social media, marketing, and sales, you can save time and get more exposure, leads, and conversions.

This article will explain what content repurposing is and how to do it effectively.

1‍. Blog Posts To PDFs or eBooks

Most businesses find it difficult to create lead magnets that are effective. However, this approach makes it much simpler.

If you have a series of blog posts on similar subjects, you can compile them into an ebook. To do this, copy and paste the blog posts into a document, then create chapters, add images and a cover page, and write a new introduction and conclusion. This will turn your blog posts into a more polished and professional-looking ebook that you can sell or give away.

Voila! You’ve got an eBook or guide.

Upwardli created a 20-page guide that included their best blog posts. This allows visitors to find the information they need without having to search through numerous blog posts. The eBook is free.

The guide helps Upwardli generate leads, build its list, and improve its SEO. By providing valuable content, Upwardli has positioned itself as a trusted resource for its target audience.

2. Guide or eBook to Blog Posts 

If you have an eBook, book, or guide, you can recycle and repurpose it in a variety of ways.

  • Create an audio version you can sell or share on your podcast.
  • Share quotations and illustrations on social media.
  • Turn chapters or sections into blog posts.

Author James Clear does this with his book Atomic Habits

The blogger shares a tip from his book in every post, which saves him time on creating content. This also generated interest in the book, and likely helped him sell 8 million copies.

Even if you haven’t published a book, you can still use this tactic. If you have a membership site, you can use parts of the content to create shorter versions for blog posts.

This allows people to see the value you share in your membership or course, reinforcing your authority as a leader in your niche.

Each article would link back to your original eBook to drive traffic and conversions. Breaking an eBook into a series of blog posts can also be effective. This allows you to post individual articles that link back to the eBook, potentially driving traffic and conversions.

For a step-by-step approach to turning your blog posts into an eBook or vice versa, check out the following resources:

3. Blog Post to Newsletter

If you have old blog posts that you want to share with your email subscribers, you can turn them into tips. If you want to make money from your advice, you can sell it through a paid newsletter or membership site.

Kajabi makes it easy to create newsletters and build a mailing list of contacts who want to hear from you.

You can either share your whole blog post in your newsletter, or just create a monthly newsletter with updates and links to your blog posts, podcasts, and other things you’re working on.

Here’s how it’s done by Delino, the smart contract review platform for SMBs:

Include links to your content on social media, in guest posts, and anywhere else you have a published presence. This will help people find your work and spread the word about what you do.

4. Blog Post to Video

Wave.Video is a video app that turns blog posts into videos using AI. Just enter the URL of your blog post into the app, and it will create a video with scenes, background music, and captions.

The Biteable tool makes it easy to produce high-quality videos by using text and animations that are pre-made with your brand font and colors.

If you want to add videos, you can do so easily by using the templates that are available. This way, you can keep your videos consistent across different social platforms, without needing to have a videographer on your team.

You could also record yourself reading your content, add images for interest, and download the audio for a podcast. This would be easy to do.

5. Blog Post to Webinar

It takes a lot of work to put together a webinar. But if you use existing content, you won’t have to put in as much work.

If you have a blog post that regularly brings visitors to your landing page, you can easily turn it into a webinar script. Just add an introduction at the beginning, and a sales pitch at the end.

One strategic way to grow your online course or membership site business is to create evergreen webinars using Kajabi. Since these can be reused and repurposed endlessly, this is an effective way to generate new content and keep your audience engaged.

According to the 2022 Demand Gen Report, webinars are an effective way for marketers to generate leads at the top of the sales funnel.

6. FAQ to Blog Post

There is a lot of valuable content on websites that can be turned into blog posts, for example FAQs. This is because they already contain keywords.

How to Avoid Buying a Used Lemon Sales of used cars are on the rise, but so are the complaints about lemons. Follow these helpful tips so you don’t end up regretting your purchase. Sales of used cars are on the increase, but complaints about lemons are also increasing.

What can you do to make sure you don’t end up regretting your purchase?

Here are some helpful tips:

1. Do your homework Before you start shopping for a used car, it’s important to do your research. Know what type of car you’re looking for and what features are important to you. Once you’ve narrowed down your choices, start looking for reviews of each model.

2. Check for recalls If you’re considering a particular make and model of car, it’s important to check for any outstanding recalls. If a car has been recalled, it means there’s a safety issue that needs to be addressed.

3. Get a vehicle history report When you’ve found a car you’re interested in, it’s a good idea to get a vehicle history report. This report will tell you if the car has been in any accidents, if it’sIn Coinbase’s “Crypto questions, answered” section, users have their questions answered in detail, which builds trust in Coinbase as a knowledgeable crypto authority.

7. Create a Round-Up Post

If you want to get more mileage out of your content, create a round-up post. All you need to do is collect some of your most popular articles and link to them in a new post. You can then promote the post through your email list and social media channels.

8. Webinars to Video Tutorials

Webinars have a lot of teaching components that can be repurposed into video tutorials.

You can create video clips that help your audience resolve a specific problem or reach a goal. Then publish these tutorials on YouTube, in a blog post, or as a social media post.

9. Turn a Blog Article Into an Infographic

If you have a blog post or report with content that would be more engaging if it were shown visually, you could create an infographic to reformat that content.

An example of this is when Blogging Wizard created an infographic from their blog post, “The Blogger’s Guide To Understanding The Psychology Of Social Networks.” This infographic included statistics from the post to help explain the concepts in a more visually appealing way.

There are many tools available that allow you to design an infographic without needing to hire a graphic designer. Some examples of these tools are Canva, Piktochart, and Venngage. These tools typically have drag-and-drop builders and templates that make creating an infographic relatively simple.

10. Turn a Blog Article or Web Page Into a Short Video

If you have a long post or a resource page, you can turn sections of that page into short videos and publish them on YouTube.

11. Convert a Blog Into a Content Upgrade

An content upgrade is an extra piece of content that a visitor can access by signing up for it with their email address. This is a popular way to build a mailing list, and it works similarly to other lead magnets such as eBooks and white paper downloads.

However, content upgrades are typically shorter and crafted for a specific blog post. Ideas include:

  • PDF version of a blog post
  • Cheat sheet
  • Checklist
  • List of resources
  • Template

For example, Brian Dean at Backlinko has a blog post titled, “How To Boost Conversions by 785% in One Day (The Content Upgrade)”. In that post, he includes a checklist content upgrade that sums up steps mentioned in the post.

If you have a lengthy tutorial or long list of resources on your blog, you can use the same technique.

12. Repurpose a Blog Into Multiple Guest Posts

Guest posting means writing an article to be published on another person’s blog or website. This is a popular content marketing method to build backlinks, increase brand exposure, and put yourself in front of a new audience.

You can get new ideas for your guest post by looking at an existing article on your blog. This will help you save time and come up with a more relevant topic.

If you want to create a content strategy, this blog post will tell you everything you need to do, including deciding what type of content to create, conducting a content audit, defining key performance indicators (KPIs), creating a content calendar, and promotion.

You could turn each section of your article into a full-length blog post and pitch it as a guest post. This would be a great way to get a backlink to your original article.

The key to creating successful guest content is to reformat it so that it is original enough to be posted elsewhere. If you have a section titled “How to Create a Content Calendar,” the guest post version could be a list of tips, steps, or ideas for creating a content calendar.

If you’re unfamiliar with how to pitch guest posts successfully, these articles will help get you started:

13. Turn a Blog Post Into a New Article on Medium

Since its launch in 2012, Medium has been a popular place to guest post and share content. It’s no wonder why. The popular site has an impressive 60 million monthly readers.

Sometimes the content on Medium is entirely original, and other times it is syndicated from the author’s blog.

If you are a website or blog that is just starting out, you can reach an already established audience by posting on Medium, and you can increase exposure for your brand.

Benjamin Hardy is a freelance writer, author, and public speaker who has been using Medium to post articles from his blog since 2015. Within six months, he grew his email list from 0 to 20,000 subscribers:

If you use Medium to publish an exact copy of your original blog post, make sure to:

  • Wait a few days before publishing to Medium. If you publish to Medium directly after publishing the article on your own website, Google won’t have enough time to index your article first. Thus, Google might think the Medium version is the original post, and it could hurt your rankings.
  • Link back to the original article.

14. Convert a Blog Post or eBook Into An Email Series/Course

You could also turn your blog posts into an email series or course to collect email addresses from visitors to your site.

The first email will be sent out immediately, with subsequent emails sent every two days.

If you want to schedule product demos or meetings, this is a good idea, as you can see who opened your email and create a custom drip campaign that sends different emails to signups depending on whether they opened your email or not.

To repurpose content using this method, try a few of the following methods.

One way to get people to read your blog posts is to send them signups for your drip campaign. You can include a summary of the post in the email, but the goal is to get them to read the full article.

Two, create an email series that delivers all content exclusively through email.

Both of these emails give the recipient a taste of what they would learn by reading the blog post, without giving away all the information at once.

If you take the earlier example blog post on content strategy, the first email could be titled, “What is a Content Strategy & Why Do You Need One?” The second could be titled, “3 Tips for Deciding What Type of Content to Create.” Both of these emails give the recipient a taste of what they would learn by reading the blog post, without giving away all the information at once.

By sending these emails, you are more likely to get people to read your blog post since they will already have some idea of what it is about.

If you don’t have a long-form piece of content on your blog that would be appropriate to share as a round-up, you can create an email with a collection of helpful tips, facts, quotes from experts, or statistics.

Most email platforms today will allow you to create multi-step drip campaigns. If you don’t know how to create a drip campaign, this guide will teach you the basics and some best practices.

Repurposing Content: Next Steps

If you want to reach new audiences, sell more products, and make the most of your research, you should consider repurposing your content. This involves reusing old content in new ways, such as turning a blog post into a video or an infographic. Not only does this give your content a new lease on life, but it can also help you achieve your business goals.

The platforms need to be available so that you can share your recycled content.

About the Author Brian Richards

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