It is essential to measure SEO metrics in order to demonstrate the benefits of your optimizations.

The success of SEO lies in its ability to attract budget from current and potential clients, as well as executives. Justifying the spend on SEO to clients will keep them happy and encourage them to continue using your services.

There are many SEO platforms and point solutions available, and it is important to measure enterprise-level metrics to ensure that you are meeting business goals and objectives.

1. Organic Traffic

A successful SEO campaign is typically marked by an influx in organic website traffic.

This also applies to backlinks, citations, content marketing, technical SEO, and so on. The goal of the text is to improve domain authority, keyword rankings, or conversions. In order to measure or calculate your main KPIs, you will need to use organic traffic.

Google Analytics is the best way to measure organic traffic in a report. Although it is not a new concept, it is still the most successful way to bring traffic to a website. To measure your organic traffic, you will want to pull the following data from your GA account:

  • Sessions — how often did users come to your website through search engines.
  • Comparisons over time — compare your sessions week to week, month to month, and year to year.
  • Landing pages — are the pages you worked on optimizing seeing an increase in sessions?

There is traffic-based data you can pull from GA, and you can segment it depending on how you want to measure the success of your SEO. You should at least look at these parts.

2. Engagement 

The next thing you need to do is look at how users actually interacted with your website once they arrived. This statistical data can help you determine if your website’s user experience is good enough to compete in the search engine results pages.

If users do not engage with your website, it does not matter how many backlinks or how good your technical SEO is. If people are leaving your site quickly without engaging with it, Google will show your site to searchers less often.

According to Google Analytics, engagement data can be found in the best place. You will want to focus on the following metrics for your organic traffic:

  • Bounce rate — how many visitors left your website without viewing any other page.
  • Avg. session duration — the average length of time that all your visitors browsed your website.
  • Avg. pages per session — the average number of pages on your website that visitors viewed in their sessions.

A successful SEO campaign will lead to a decrease in your organic bounce rate over time.

This usually means that people like what they see when they come across your site. You also want to see an increase in your average session duration and a decrease in your pages per session.

3. Goals and Conversions

The type of business you have will dictate how you report on conversions and goals.

Some businesses are more focused on services than products. For these cases, it is important to give a report on leads, appointments, and so on. Car dealerships typically do not sell products until an appointment is booked.

In these cases, you want to pull the following from Google Analytics:

  • Conversion rate — with increased traffic you also want to see an increase in the rate at which visitors convert.
  • Conversion volumes — nothing sells success better than an increase in total conversion volumes.
  • Conversion value — for when there is an average monetary value associated with appointments booked.

A “conversion” is defined differently for businesses with an e-commerce element on their website. These businesses will want to report on revenue generated through the website as a result of a SEO campaign:

  • Total revenue — you want conversions to lead to higher revenue, not smaller and less valuable conversions
  • Average order value — a higher average order value is another way to balance total conversions with valuable transactions.
  • Return on investment (ROI) — you should be bringing in more total revenue than your total spend to generate that revenue.

As an SEO expert, you should be able to measure your client’s desired goal in your report.

4. Landing Pages

16 Enterprise SEO Metrics To Inform Your Reporting

SEO campaigns are designed to improve traffic, rankings, or conversions on specific pages. The page that people are taken to when they click on your ad could be your home page, or it could be a specific landing page that you’ve built or optimized for your campaign.

Measuring success is important in order to determine how effective your landing page is. To demonstrate the effectiveness of your SEO campaign to your client, you will need to show metrics for the landing pages that relate to the type of SEO campaign they wanted.

Aside from organic traffic, these metrics include:

  • Engagement — did you lower bounce rates, increase session durations on targeted landing pages?
  • Conversions — did you generate more conversions through the target landing pages?
  • Rankings — did you increase the search rankings of the targeted landing pages?
  • Backlinks — did you build more backlinks for your targeted landing pages?

Although you may have had a hand in the success of a project, if you cannot show concrete evidence of the improvements you made, your clients may begin to doubt your contribution.

5. Rankings, Keywords and Search Visibility

It’s still important to measure your website’s keyword rankings or visibility in organic search, even if not all SEO campaigns will focus on that. This will provide evidence that your SEO efforts have had a positive effect.

There are two parts of this to include in your SEO report:

  • Target keyword rankings
  • Overall search visibility

This refers to the difference between the two. The first has to do with the quality of something, whereas the second has to do with the quantity. Both are important for any business.

The visibility of your client’s search results is important to show them that their brand is growing in awareness. This hand measures visibility in searches that are most relevant and important.

For example, let’s say your client sells running shoes.

More people searching for how to repair running shoes is good, but it won’t lead to more money being made. You need to show evidence that your company’s SEO practices have improved rankings and visibility for searches related to purchasing running shoes.

6. Link Metrics

They are essentially links from other websites back to yours, and they play a very important role in helping your website rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). In other words, backlinks are a key factor in helping your website rank higher in search engine results pages. Even though it may not always be the primary focus of your SEO strategy, it can still result in more links.

A great content marketing campaign should earn more backlinks organically, for example:

  • Link growth — did the campaign lead to more backlinks over time?
  • Domain authority — more links from relevant and quality domains should increase your client’s domain rating.
  • New/lost domains — you should show more new linking domains gained over time than those that get lost.

These are all good signs that your on-page optimization or guest post outreach campaigns were effective. Even if your client’s main goal is more focused on traffic or revenue, it is still a good sign that your campaign is working if you see an improvement in the number of links and domains gained.

7. ROI

We live in a changed world due to COVID. Many brands are very careful about how much money they spend on marketing and make sure to monitor every dollar spent.

The best way to justify your existence as an SEO is to calculate the ROI. Start by identifying business goals. An ecommerce brand selling printers wanting to grow 30% year over year would need a strategy to achieve that goal.

In order to demonstrate your value to a client, you will need to know how they generate revenue so that you can show the return on investment of your work.

  • Average order value.
  • Conversion rates.
  • Current rankings and traffic.
  • SEO spend.

ROI can be determined by organic traffic, conversion rate, and average order value divided by the cost of SEO.

Calculate Keyword Value Equation For Ecommerce Website

Revenue is calculated by multiplying the search volume by the ranking position, click-through-rate, conversion rate, and average order value.

Equation For Lead Generation Website

Revenue is made up of the number of searches times the ranking position click-through rate times the conversion rate times the lead-to-customer rate times the customer lifetime value.

8. Brand vs. Non-Brand Visibility

It’s important to track how often your brand is appearing in search results compared to non-branded keywords, as well as how many conversions are coming from each. If your SEO platform has keyword-level tracking, this will be easy to do.

The majority of websites see a lot of traffic and conversions from searchers using the website’s name as a keyword.

You can generate more revenue for your client by helping them rank number one for branded keywords, as these keywords have more purchase intent.

If you want to know if your SEO strategies are effective, look at how many non-brand keywords are driving traffic. If you’re meeting your sales and revenue goals, that’s a good sign.

9. Backlinks And Referring Domains

It’s still important to have high-quality backlinks from relevant sites. How many backlinks your site has is not as important as the quality and relevancy of the sites linking to your site.

If you are Nike and you receive a lot of links from high-quality websites that are related to sneakers, shoes, and apparel, it will help improve your rankings. This is because relevance and quality are key factors when determining rankings, and lower-quality websites that are not related to Nike’s products are not as relevant or high-quality.

Another important backlink metric to track is referring domains. If you want to improve your search engine rankings, one thing you can do is try to get more links from high-quality websites that are relevant to your domain.

10. Indexed Pages

An additional metric that is important to keep an eye on is the number of pages that have been indexed. If your content isn’t being indexed by Google, then it’s not going to be seen by anyone.

The content on those pages has not been indexed or crawled, so you won’t rank for any keywords.

You should ensure that your content is indexed by taking the following steps: submitting new pages to your HTML and XML sitemaps, including links from your site navigation, and/or submitting content to be indexed through Google Search Console. This will help make sure that Google can find and index your content.

Ensure that there are no duplicated pages and that all the content is up-to-date. Google loves content that is fresh, but duplicate, outdated, or irrelevant content can be a problem.

11. Impressions and CTR

16 Enterprise SEO Metrics To Inform Your Reporting

The number of times your URLs appear in search results viewed by a user is known as an impression. This does not include paid Google Ads search results.

If you get more impressions, this could mean that Google thinks your content is relevant to what the user is looking for. Clicking on the URL will result in increased traffic to your website, improving sales and conversions.

12. Page Speed and Core Web Vitals

Providing users with pages that load quickly (under three seconds) and contain content that satisfies their information needs gives them the best possible experience.

Good load times have a positive impact on conversions, according to many studies. Another important SEO metric to measure is Core Web Vitals which focuses on user experience – loading, interactivity, and visual stability:

  • Largest contentful paint (LCP).
  • First input delay (FID).
  • Cumulative layout shift (CLS).

CWV is one of the Page Experience metrics. This means that if you improve the overall UX of your website, it will be ranked higher in search results, as pages with “good” vitals are already performing well.

13. Crawl Errors

Crawl errors occur when a search engine tries to reach a page on your website but fails to reach it successfully with a 200-response code. It is important to monitor crawl errors so that Google can find, index, crawl and rank your content.

Crawl errors can occur for a variety of reasons, such as if a page is blocked by robots, if it no longer exists, or if it redirects to an alternative page.

If you have a lot of crawl errors, Google may make your website harder to find. Ensure that you are regularly crawling your site and checking Google Search Console for any errors that may have occurred during the crawl.

14. Top Exit Pages

The goal of a landing page is to provide the user with what they are looking for and to convert the visit into a sale or a brochure download.

Sometimes users cannot find what they are looking for. Guest might take a look at different landing pages on your website before leaving without converting. Looking at your most popular exit pages can help you see which pages are doing poorly and where people are leaving your site.

Sixty percent of users abandoning the page designed to convert is a cause for alarm that warrants a review of the page to determine the cause.

15. New vs. Returning Visitors

It is valuable to monitor the number of new versus returning visitors. If you have a lot of people coming back to your website but not a lot of them are buying anything, take a look at your exit pages to see what might be preventing them from making a purchase.

A SEO strategy that targets a specific audience and provides the information they need throughout their journey will keep them coming back to your site.

Home Depot is good at providing videos and other content, like DIY tutorials and videos that help people figure out solutions to problems.

16. Competitor SEO Metrics

It is important to stay up-to-date on what your competitors are doing in order to see what type of content is working well for them, what their successful landing pages look like, where they are increasing their market share and rankings, and where they are getting links from.

Keep an eye on what your competitors are doing in regards to backlinks in order to find new opportunities for your client’s website. Check their visibility to see how relevant they are. Be sure to stay ahead of your competition by continuously looking for new ways to improve your own performance. This may involve studying what strategies and tactics they are using and finding ways to do better than them.


There are benefits to measuring metrics from organic search, such as finding opportunities for improvement, increased traffic and conversions, and better search engine rankings. Ultimately, this can help you achieve your business goals.

After you have collected the relevant data, you can use it to create a convincing story for the people who are affected by your decisions.

About the Author Brian Richards

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