Digital Marketing

A LinkedIn company page is a promotional tool that businesses can use to showcase their brand, products, services, and job openings. Any LinkedIn user can choose to follow a company page.

It is a central hub where millions of members can stay up-to-date on your company news, products, services, and job openings. This hub will allow you to keep your customers and employees informed about your company’s latest happenings.

A company page on a business site provides an opportunity to share the company story, connect with followers, offer job opportunities, and generate word-of-mouth promotion on a large scale.

For professionals, a company page is a great way to learn more about companies that interest you, get the latest updates and industry news, and find out about job opportunities.

The Home tab on the site gives users an overview of the company, updates, friends and colleagues who are connected to it, showcase pages, and pages related to it.

Let’s jump in and explore the complete guide of digital marketing.


The company page has a number of sections:

  • About Us: This section of the page provides a friendly introduction to your business. It’s a place where companies can start spreading their message and engaging with members.
  • See Jobs: This button is a way for companies to interact with millions of passive and active job seekers on LinkedIn.
  • Careers: The Careers tab requires a paid subscription by the company.
  • Analytics: This provides metrics and trends about the company page. Data is consolidated into specific sections, updates, followers, and visitors.
  • Premium Insights: Premium members can see further insights about a company. This includes analytics such as total employee count data, employee distribution by function, notable alumni, total job openings, and new hires.

Creating a Company Page

Follow these steps to create a company page:

  1. Click the work icon in the top right corner of your LinkedIn homepage
  2. Then click Create company page.
  3. Enter your company name and choose a URL.
  4. Then click the verification box to confirm you have the right to act on behalf of that company in the creation of the page.
  5. Click the Create Page button.
  6. Click Get started on the welcome screen to begin editing your company page.

Now, you’ve created your LinkedIn company page.

Customizing a Company Page

LinkedIn enables you to tailor your page to your brand.

You have the option to add your company logo, edit your company name, and fill out the company’s description.

After you have entered the basic information about your company, you can add more specific details such as your company website, size, industry, and founding year.

When you have finished filling out the information about your company, you can also add the location of your business.

After you complete all the steps, you can publish your page. LinkedIn will show an error message on the bottom left side of the page if there are any problems.

The company overview section on an administrator’s account is customizable. You can add other administrators from this section, but you must be connected to do so.

In this section you can: -add a profile picture -add a cover image -add a company summary -add products and services -add specialties -add websites -add industry headquarters -add company size

Affiliate Company Pages

When there is a need for distinct recruiting from the parent company page, or a team needs separate analytics, admins, or a different hero image, an affiliated company page may be necessary. This would also be the case if the team has different followers or showcase pages.

If you have an acquired company that you would like to be affiliated with your LinkedIn page, you need to contact LinkedIn directly.

You can only become an affiliate of a company page if you are an admin of that page. An affiliate page has access to all the features of a company page.

LinkedIn will not remove the company page of an acquired company even if the brand no longer exists. It is not possible to move followers from the company page of an acquired company to another company page.

You can request that a notification be placed on the company page of the acquired company. However, using affiliated company pages can make coordination between teams more challenging.

Before creating an affiliated page, try one or more of the following options.

Showcase and affiliate pages are a great way to consolidate brand communications on LinkedIn.

Showcase Pages

The main company page should be used to share company brand news and thought leadership content.

– Pages dedicated to showcasing multiple products are best referred to as “showcase pages.” – Affiliate pages are meant to connect parent and child brands. – Career pages are designed to help attract candidates and build employer brand pages.

Showcase pages are a way to extend your company page to feature a brand, business unit, or initiative. They have their own dedicated messages and audience segments.

The LinkedIn company page allows businesses to share updates andsponsored content with LinkedIn users. These users can follow the company page to get updates on the aspects of the business they are interested in.

Every company has different aspects of their business and different products with their own message to share with a unique audience.

Showcase pages allow you to dedicated a child page to different aspects of your company. This allows interested members to follow your showcase page, similar to how they would follow any company page.

A showcase page is a good idea when you want to highlight a brand, business unit, or company initiative. These pages help you build a strong relationship with a particular audience, which is more important than a quick marketing campaign.

If you regularly hold an event that has a significant attendance, then it might be beneficial to create a showcase page for it.

Creating a Showcase Page

If you are an administrator of a parent company page, you can create a showcase page by following these steps.

  1. Click the Me icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.
  2. Below manage, select the company page you want associated to the new showcase page.
  3. If you’re not taken to the Admin Center automatically, then click Admin Tools button in the top right corner of the page.
  4. Select Create a showcase page from the drop-down menu.
  5. Enter the name of your showcase page and the page URL.
  6. You’ll be taken to the showcase page Admin Center to edit your new page. Information that you’re going to need. The showcase page name, showcase page description, the industry, the name of at least one showcase page administrator, and then a hero image.

Social Media Monitoring

It is crucial to select the correct metrics when considering social media monitoring, in order to identify what is effective and what needs improvement.

A useful way to think about social media activity is in terms of four key areas: reach, engagement, conversion, and action. If you identify KPIs for each of these areas, you’ll have a better understanding of your social media activity.


The number of page likes, retweets, or followers someone has can be insightful in understanding how successful a particular campaign or page is.

How important is market penetration? It can give you an idea of how many potential customers you are reaching.

You can tell you’re doing something good if you keep getting more and more people showing interest, either by liking your page or retweeting about you.


This is the number of posts being shared or retweeted. This is a stronger level of engagement because when you share or retweet something, you are recommending it to your followers and actively encouraging them to check it out.

You can increase customer engagement by getting them to want to contribute and re-forward key things you’ve done.


This involves looking at factors such as how often customers respond to communications, the average length of time it takes them to respond, and whether they contribute to the content or leave comments.

This means that customers are even more engaged with your brand or service.


This tracks how effective your digital and social media presence is in driving commercial value, e.g. through increased sales.

It is crucial to have commercial success, but it is also important to know that you are making progress.


The process of analytics involves collecting data that is relevant, deducing information that is significant, and then using that information to gain insight that can be used to implement a strategy.

Are there a few things to think about when coming up with an analytics strategy?

You can use analytics to drive growth:

Anchor analytics to strategy

Make sure your analytics can be used to make decisions. They should be based on the strategy you are trying to achieve.

Enable better decision-making

This text is saying that you can make better decisions if you use analytics to guide your decision making process.

Future-proof development

The data collected can help you plan future development for the activities you are working on.

The text is saying that a good system is one that not only works well currently, but also helps you take future action.

Measure impact

The most important part is to figure out how effective your different campaigns are. Having a big-picture view of this with a scorecard is very useful.

This means that not only do you understand how the company will benefit financially from your idea, but you also understand how the customer will be affected and how your idea will affect company operations.

Drivers To Influence Strategy

There are a number of different drivers that help you to influence the strategy. The key to these drivers is being able to get actionable, measurable analytics from them:

  • Search engine optimization: Adjust keywords based on what the analytics is telling you will help to make improvements to your campaign.
  • Email marketing: Adjust based on split testing. If you do an A/B test, and understand how one creative is performing over the other and one’s incrementally gaining in more value, you know which one to go out to the wider book with.
  • Search marketing (PPC): Adjust the key dimensions of PPC – things like your bid price, for example, and keywords that you’re going to bid for – based on the analytics.
  • Digital display: Adjust based on clickthrough rates. Determine what different display advertising is working better for you across what different channels.
  • Mobile marketing: Adjust based on response rates.
  • Social media marketing: Adjust based on iteration. Aim to get new things on the go.
  • Online PR: Adjust based on reach.
  • Online partnerships: Adjust based on response rates.
  • Interactive advertising: Adjust based on response rates. Develop an understanding of what people are clicking on more, and then do more of that.

Analytics can help you figure out what is and isn’t working so you can adjust your approach accordingly.

Holistic Measurement Planning

Before your campaign begins, you need to have a clear understanding of what you’re measuring and how.

This is about having a plan for measurement before starting any activity. This way, every step of a campaign or other project is designed with measurement in mind.

When you have a goal in mind, it is easier to achieve.

This final step allows you to measure the activity throughout the campaign cycle.

An important thing to do when developing a digital communications plan is to __________.

Plan your measurement strategy around the cycle you want to test, using multiple techniques to see what works and what doesn’t.

You can use digital technology to get a better understanding of your customers and what they want in real-time.

If you want to be sure that your digital communication activity is effective, it’s a good idea to use a hypothesis-led approach. This means you’ll be able to test and confirm whether your beliefs about the best course of action are correct.

About the Author Brian Richards

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